I work full time at Newark Urgent Care, where there is no way to make an appointment with me personally, however if you call ahead you can always ask to speak to me or ask if I am on-site seeing patients on that day. I also work part time as the Assistant Medical Director of Gibney Mobile Healthcare where our main focus is providing care to underserved communities, especially focusing on wound care services for people who use drugs (PWUD) and those with housing instability. I have completed the OutCare cultural competency training and was a founding member of the Diversity Committee at Arcadia University’s Physician Assistant Program. I have completed multiple trainings and continuing medical education courses on LGBTQ+ healthcare topics. I have experience seeing LGBTQ+ patients for genitourinary concerns, including but not limited to suspected UTIs, STI symptoms or exposures, and emergency contraception, as well as for other common urgent care setting concerns/evaluations, such as illnesses, pre-employment physicals, and musculoskeletal injuries.
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