Hello, i’m Cris, she/they, a certified Somatic, Gestalt, and Creative Arts Psychotherapist & Coach, with over 15 years of experience in my field.
My practice is LGTBQIA2SP+ Indentifying & Affirming.
My identities:
I’m bilingual & identify as Ecuadorian, Spanish, first-gen Latinx, from the United States, & gender non-conforming. I am the Creator of Creative Now Therapy. And I am 42 years old.
Before forming Creative Now Therapy:
For the past 16 years I’ve provided therapy in variety of settings, including working with folks who have psychotic disorders, mood disorders, & other experiences of mental health crisis. This also means treating the inherent traumas part of these diagnoses; neglect, sexual & physical abuse, drug use, marginalization, leaving your country of origin, & more. For years I facilitated inpatient psychiatric groups for adults who identify as voice-hearers. This has informed my deep appreciation for the array of human experiences, no matter how alternative they may seem. Before that, I supported Spanish-speaking families in navigating New York City social services and provided therapy to families & children. I am deeply grateful for how this has enhanced my understanding of the systems we are impacted by in the United States.
Certifications & Training:
• Hakomi Somatic Practitioner | Hakomi Institute. 2-year Post Graduate Training. North East, US. 2024.
• Certified Professional Coach | Year-long Coaching Training, Leadership That Works, NY, NY. 2020.
• Certified Developmental Somatic Psychotherapist | The Center For Somatic Studies, 4-year Post Graduate Training. NY, NY. 2019.
• Certified Gestalt Psychotherapist | Gestalt Associates For Psychotherapy, 4-year Clinical Fellowship Post Graduate Training. NY, NY. 2016.
• Board Certified & Lisenced Creative Arts Therapist, #001500 | The Americal Art Therapy Association, US. 2011.
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