Hi there! My name is Dillon (he/him) and I’m a primary care provider at Eskenazi. I have a clinic devoted to primary care for LGBTQ+ folks at Eskenazi’s Westside Health Center (2732 W Michigan St). It’s called the PRISM clinic (PRISM stands for Persons Respecting Individuality & Sexuality in Medicine) and it takes place Monday and Thursday afternoons. You can request an appointment online (https://www.eskenazihealth.edu/doctors/dillon-etter) or by calling Eskenazi Health Center Westside and following options to speak to a nurse.
I also provide specialty care for individuals living with HIV at the Eskenazi Infectious Disease Clinic (IDC) at the main hospital on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. You can request an appointment online (https://www.eskenazihealth.edu/health-services/infectious-disease-clinic).
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