I am currently an instructor at Indiana State University and teach in the Psy.D. program. I am also the director for our onsite training clinic for the Psy.D. program and see a small number of clients through the clinic. I supervise our Psy.D. students, therefore much of my practice is through supervision of our graduate students at the clinic, focusing on cultural humility and working with persons from minoritized communities, including the LGBTQ+ community. I am dedicated to ensuring that our graduate students provide ethical, affirming treatment to all persons in the clinic. Prior to coming to ISU I spent 20 years in a community mental health setting, where I worked with all ages and presenting problems, specializing in youth and emerging adults. I identify as an ally for the LGBTQ+ population and am a parent of a child who identifies as queer. I have taught ally training to our students in the Psy.D. program, and was a SafeZone trainer for the university.
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