Hello! I am so very pleased to provide gender aligning voice and communication modification in Boston, MA. I have been working as a speech language pathologist for over 30 years and have had a specialized practice in this area of the field since 2010. To begin this work, I sought out numerous trainings including at The Fenway Health Center in Boston on providing culturally responsive health care. I have attended extensive trainings in the area of gender affirming voice modification from pioneers in the field such as Sandy Hirsch and Jack Pickering. I have conducted research in this area and now provide trainings to other speech pathologists and graduate students. Please see my podcasts, conducted with AC Goldberg, on SLP Nerdcast’s website. At The Robbins Center, we train graduate speech pathology students to provide culturally responsive voice modification services. Our graduate students are provided with 10-20 hours of group and individual training and supervision and are mentored by myself and other highly experienced providers. Our clients tell us that we are open and supportive and they comfortable in our environment in which people of ALL genders, sexual orientations, races, and learning styles are welcomed into our clinic space. Emerson College has been voted one of the most LGBTQ+ friendly schools in the US. Please join us for individual, small group, and large group sessions, Our fees are nominal and we provide free care through a scholarship program.
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