Dr. Speed attended University of Massachusetts Medical School. She completed her OB/GYN residency at Albert Einstein in the Bronx, NY and then worked with the underserved at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan where she served for 5 years as full time faculty at New York University School of Medicine. She then worked for 4.5 years as full-time faculty at New York – Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist where she enjoyed teaching and acting as the Director of Patient Safety for the OB/GYN department. Although she enjoyed her 13 years of practicing medicine in NYC, Dr. Speed, her husband and two children decided to come home to Massachusetts where she is nearer to family and many lifelong friends. She recently attended a conference at Harvard Medical School called Advancing Excellence in Transgender Health whic was about providing responsive and confident gender-affirmative health care, grounded in research evidence and best clinical practices. She learned much from the wide array of topics presented in this growing field of research and feels strongly about providing affirmative care to all patients.
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