Anesthesia can be tricky. You likely won’t meet your anesthesiologist until the day of your planned procedure. Your surgeon should be your primary guide in selecting the location of your procedure and the coverage options of anesthesia doctors. Your surgeon should be able to request an anesthesia doctor that will treat you with respect and compassion. I have family and friends in the LGBTQ community and in the anesthesia community in Indianapolis. For locations I do not personally work at, I can reach out and find a recommendation for you or your surgeon. If I can help in anyway to ensure everyone receives safe and compassionate anesthesia care in Indianapolis please let me know.
I had the greatest experience with Dr Thiel for my daughter’s appendectomy. She was terrified and anxious and I know too much being a respiratory therapist, but he immediately put us both at complete ease! He was very kind and very patient, I was so impressed with his quality of care. A fantastic human and physician!
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