I graduated from the National University of Rosario, Argentina (2002). Since then I have been working in clinical psychology with adolescents and adults.
As part of my academic training, I incorporated approaches from focused psychotherapy, the gestalt approach, psychodrama and neuroscience.
I was part of the SETAC Civil Association, in charge of providing service, assistance, support and information to people from the LGBTTTIQ community in the city of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
At first I worked as a Counselor on HIV and STDs, for which I had the appropriate academic training from the Ministry of Public Health of Mexico. My functions were not only training and accompaniment to people diagnosed with HIV but also in the practice of detection through rapid tests for HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis. Currently, I am responsible for the psychology area of the Vallarta Gay Clinic and Clinica del Hombre ONLINE.
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