I completed internal medicine/pediatrics residency at UMMC in 2013, followed by a 2-year fellowship in adult infectious diseases. HIV treatment and prevention have been my primary clinical focus since 2013, and I have been prescribing gender-affirming hormone therapy since 2013, as well. I have served as director of UMMC’s Adult Special Care Clinic since 2017. I was an inaugural TEAM Clinic provider and served at TEAM until it closed in 2023, continuing to offer GAHT through my practice at UMMC at the Jackson Medical Mall. In addition to GAHT, I accept referrals for sexual health/PrEP and LGBTQ+ primary care. We have a statewide catchment area and can provide GAHT via telehealth if a patient’s commute is lengthy. Adult Special Care Clinic is an inclusive and warm environment that treats everyone as an individual rather than a number, and I think you will be happy with the care you receive from us!
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