I am a cis queer psychologist providing therapy and surgery documentation for the LGBTQ+ community in North Carolina. I have been doing this work full-time since 2009. I pursued specialty training in my doctoral program in “counseling diverse communities.” I completed my dissertation on resilience factors in marital relationships following one partner coming out as gender diverse. Since my training, I intentionally seek queer-oriented continuing education. I had served on a University-wide council to develop and provide affirming campus resources to the LGBTQ+ community during my tenure at North Carolina State University. I am a member of APA’s Division 44: Society of the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. I am a member of the GALAP listserv and provide limited pro-bono letter services for folks requiring documentation for surgery. I have been providing these letter since 2011. Most of my current therapeutic work is with members of the LGBTQ+ community.
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