Jennifer Valli, PhD, is a seasoned psychotherapist, drawing on 28 years of clinical experience in psychiatry. She is a licensed therapist in Tennessee as a general therapist but also nationally certified as a Sex Therapist through AASECT, The American Association of Sexual Educators, Counselors and Therapists, a rigorous certification in sex therapy. She completed some of the clinical hours within the area paraphilas/fetishes with faculty through Johns Hopkins. She completed a post-graduate program in sex therapy at the University of Michigan.
Dr. Valli is an instructor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center teaching Sexual Health to medical and graduate students, residents and faculty. She teaches LGBTQIA in Health Care Settings to medical students. This includes both the Gay, Lesbian, Bi and other sexual minorities in healthcare, along with the Transgender and Gender Diverse patients in healthcare classes. In 2016-2019, she was listed as one of the best providers (patient voted) for transgender patients in Memphis through OUT-Memphis, the LGBTQIA community center in Memphis. She is a kink knowledgeable provider.
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