I am an Occupational Therapist working in the skilled nursing setting for the past 10 years. I graduated with my Master’s in Occupational Therapy from St. Francis University in 2013. I have worked for Powerback Rehabilitation (formerly Genesis Rehab) since I graduated. I am a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community. I have been actively involved in my companies DEI committee. I volunteer at multiple LGBTQ+ events in and around the Allentown/Philly area. I believe our fight for inclusion and inclusivity is not over until we all have the same rights as everyone else. I also believe that we should embrace everyone’s differences and treat everyone with the same respect, love, and care. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I want my care providers to be accepting of my lifestyle and I actively search for that when choosing a new provider, and I want to provide that same comfort to others.
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