Dr. Chandler has made LGBTQ+ inclusiveness a personal and career-defining passion. Having created and continually updates the RAINBOW Model (2016), Dr. Chandler understands and trains other clinicians to understand the complexities that exist within our highly diverse population with “Unleash Your Inner RAINBOW & Become a Multicultural Advocate.”:
Dr. Chandler’s RAINBOW Model (2016)*:
Race, ethnicity, culture
Age and generational influences
Inherent and acquired Disabilities, Disorders, and Diseases
National origin/Indigenous heritage-country of origin/background/heritage
Beliefs: religious, spiritual affiliation, political ideology, views on world, self and others
Orientation: Chandler’s Complete Sexual Identity-a spectrum of: attractions, relationships, experiences, expressions, and sexual and gender identities (see: http://drjchandler.com)
Work status: socioeconomic status, including but not limited to: education, career, income, housing and food security.
*It is also important to understand that Sexual and Gender Identities occur on a spectrum and are not fixed. In other words, they are fluid, or evolve over time and can look differently over the course of a lifetime depending on a variety of factors. Therefore, utilize the chart above as a snapshot in time. Additionally, just because someone’s identity, attractions and expressions change over time does not mean a person can forcefully change their sexual orientation just to assimilate to mainstream culture. In fact, based on extensive research of Sexual Orientation Distress and Change Efforts (SOCE) has proven to be harmful, cause psychological pain, and damage to the individual. Therefore, the American Psychological Association has banned “Conversion, or Reparative” so-called therapy and released the following statement: http://www.apa.org/about/policy/sexual-orientation.aspx.
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