Board Certified Family Physician.
Both working with and constantly learning from the LGBTQI+ community.
Dr. Hernandez is excellent! He will take the time to explain you the treatment and any inquiries you have. It’s a free judgment zone, when talking about life and healthcare you feel that you can be open about anything that’s going on with you. Also he would do his best to keep great communication. I’m glad I’ve decided to get a consultation with him.
I’m really glad I found Dr. Hernandez. He’s very friendly, intelligent, and very informative. OutCare definitely hit a home run with this recommendation!
10/10 Great for young adults of color!!
I recently visited Dr. Rodriguez to establish care after moving to Los Angeles recently. It was a pleasure to have a provider who is genuine and thoughtful about the care they provide. He asked all the right questions, explained when needed, and made the visit welcoming. Thanks for all you do for the Latino and LGBTQ+ communities.
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