I provide low-cost relationship therapy and psychotherapy for queer couples, polycules, and individuals. I specialize in working with clients in stigmatized and under-represented relationships: queer folks, consensual non-monogamy, kink, long distance, poly. Though I use a wide range of techniques, my main approach is somatic internal family systems therapy (IFS). Somatic IFS is particularly helpful with those in marginalized relationships whose romantic and sexual experiences can be tied to so many other things.
My Fees:
$40 for couples
$25 for individuals
My Education & Training:
Certified Sex Therapy Informed Professional
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Master’s in Professional Counseling, Texas State University
PhD in Interpersonal Communication Research, UT Austin
Master’s in Interpersonal Communication Research, UT Austin
Bachelor of Arts & Sciences, Baylor University
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