I am a psychiatric nurse practitioner licensed in MD/DC/VA. My office is in Tenleytown but we also are available for virtual appointments. I was lucky enough to have trained at George Washington University under Rhonda Schwindt, a noted expert in trans mental health, and from her, I gained many of the skills I employ with my trans patients today, who make up a significant portion of my caseload. My expertise is in medication management and my area of specialization in psychiatry is trauma. Of course, I also practice general psychiatry and no diagnosis is turned away, but I am particularly skilled at managing PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, and other trauma-related illnesses. My office is absolutely a safe space for queer people, and there is a “All are Welcome” sign clearly displayed on the door of my treatment room. I don’t see myself as having any great insight into the queer experience other than being queer myself, but I find that if you treat every patient with the same dignity, respect, and care, that you would want for yourself, you’re able to treat anyone who walks in and help them improve their lives.
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