I am a licensed therapist credentialed to conduct psychotherapy in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the great state of Oregon. I specialize in trans health and wellness. I am experienced in providing supportive counseling to folks across the lifespan, in and around the gender binary, and at all stages of “acuity.” In light of my experience, I am a staunch believer in the philosophy that all people have the resources inside themselves to make changes toward becoming ever more healthy, connected, and complex. The focus of my approach is self acceptance.
I am a white, cishet, partnered, antifa, middle-class, child-free, able-bodied ally. I am a member in good standing of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. I’ve been fortunate to have attended several workshops on gender by Portland’s SMYRC/Bridge 13, have taken graduate coursework on TGD identities, and choose to continually read and learn about gender as both a construct and a concrete reality. I am familiar with the WPATH’s 8th edition Standards of Care and am appreciative of the current SOC’s move away from using therapists as “gate-keepers.” I am a WPATH certified Gender Specialist, and served on WPATH’s founding DICE committee. I do not want finances to prevent access to medical care, so I’m also a pledge-signer with the Gender Affirming Letter Access Project (GALAP).
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