I am a licensed clinical mental health worker located in the North Raleigh area of Raleigh, North Carolina. I identify as a cisgender woman. I also identify as a African American person from Puerto Rican descent. I do not speak Spanish fluently. I am also a U.S. Army veteran. I opened my practice in 2020 to service people experiencing anxiety and depression. Upon opening the practice, I have had the privilege to work with a significant number of clients who identify as LGBTQ and BIPOC. Several of my clients have expressed that they have struggled to find a counselor who is BIPOC and LGBTQ. They have informed me that they have then had to focus on finding a BIPOC counselor as the priority and that is how they came to work with me. Since servicing clients in private practice I have strived to increase my awareness and understanding of LGBTQ concerns. I have learned to ask questions and admit areas that I do not have knowledge. Each client has their own journey in understanding what it means to be apart of the LGBTQ+ people. My job as a therapist is to provide support as they build that understanding. I am an ally of the LGBTQ community.
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