I predominantly work with members of the LGBTQIA+ community even if difficulties are not related to this part of their lives. I provide affirmation and exploration to facilitate authenticity while taking into account the your values and goals within the framework of your life. I am equipped to work with family members to facilitate peace and workability in line with this authenticity. Difficulties such as depression, anxiety, mood dysregulation, psychosis, attention deficit, etc. are also addressed. BDSM/Kink/Poly affirming. Certified Transgender/Gender Specialist (World Professional Association for Transgender Health).
I can connect you to the local support groups: Transgender/gender-nonconforming individuals, Youth TG, Young adult, children, and families (mostly parents).
As there are only a handful of gender specialists in the Carolinas, it is my pleasure to help transgender/gender-nonconforming individuals obtain access to resources they may need. I am connected with other professionals in North Carolina and do not hesitate in helping you connect to help.
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