Hi there 👋
I’m Ruth Rafferty,
I’m a Somatic Sexologist. I’m a Lgbtqa+, Trauma, & N.S (Nervous System) Informed body worker.
A “brief” introduction about how I found this work (I got a bit carried away! 😳😅) why I am so passionate about this modality, & a explanation of what this New Paradigm in Lgbtqa+ Friendly Sexuality Modality is/explores.
I trained to be a Somatic sexoligist in 2020. I’m also a qualified life coach, arch-type work practitioner, reiki master, also trained in emotional trauma release, parasympathetic restoration formula, (emotional trauma release & N.S regulation work) & trained in safe space holding. All trainings Trained in I’ve trained with experts in all the above fields/ Modalities. Firstly working with them myself, then training to become qualified as a practitioner myself.
– However, it wasn’t until I finally was lead to deeper studies in sexuality work, to become a Sexoligist (Studying to become a Qualified Sexoligist with N.P.O.I – Mentor Victoria Redbard.) that I knew this was going to be my main Modality I guided others in as a Sexuality Practitioner.
– Inclusive of Somatics, Tantra, Nervous System, Trauma, & Lgbtqa+ Informed body work. This is New Paradigm Sexuality Work, & after working in the field, creating my own Programs, & Guiding others in a safe -sexuality friendly space, from someone of the younger generation (29 years old), & from being part of the lgbtqa+ community myself, (also discovering i was lgbtqa+ in the middle of journeying sexuality work myself) I am now confident this work is not only welcomed by the above communities, but by for anybody wishing to explore a deeper connection with themselves, their bodies, their sexuality. 🙏
After working with clients from all over the globe, from many religious backgrounds, sexual orientation, sexes, etc I may hear many different stories & different levels of trauma experienced, or connection with their own embodiment of their own sexuality & intimacy practice, yet I feel the common thread that guides people to this work & my space.
An example of what this Modality/ work aims to help with – grow a deeper connection with own sexuality, s.p.p, connect deeper with bodily sensations & pleasure & release any trauma or Density stored in the body.
– S.P.P (Self Pleasure Practice) Modality.
– Heart & Sex Connection.
– Learn, be guided into & Take home Self-Intimacy practices to begin really growing & developing a solid connection with your sexuality. Deepening body, heart, sex, spirit, even mind connection. (Psych-Soma Connection.)
– Nervous System Informed Self-Pleasure Practices. Regulate your Nervous System in the Process.
-Building Resilience to stressors/ stressful situations or sensory overload in the body or mind.
– Trauma Release Informed S.P.P
– Deeper M&F (Masculine & Feminine) Embodiment. Amazing especially for lgbtqa+ people who have struggled / are struggling with finding deeper M / F Embodiment within themselves.
– Lgbtqa+ Informed Practices.
– Begin Moving Density/ Numbness in the body. Creating room for new sensation/ pleasure to move in its Place.
– A Journey to Deeper body acceptance, love & connection. 🙏 in the most natural way possible 🌹 Releasing Shame or Taboo in the process!
These are just a few examples. You may find much more in detail informative posts on the S.P Modality on my Instagram. This is a Relatively new Modality (only being accredited as a Modality in itself in the past 4 years.)
I have a gradual growing following on Instagram & clientele, but seem to be gaining more & more interest from others, with my instagram, where I explain deeper on the Sacred Sexuality Space I hold for others.
The lgbtqa+ community I feel could really benefit from this work as there can be alot of trauma from the various experiences lgbtqa+ have endured usually on the road to coming out or experiencing being shamed, not safe, or non included in societal, religious & sexual related health care or medical welfare up to now. (Why I was so happy to find OutCare!)
Reach out if you feel drawn/ are lit up by just the thoughts of improving your connection with the above, wanting to really extend your time to truly developing, growing & Healing your connection with the above!
All my sessions are held online through zoom currently. (I promise it feels much warmer & intimate & sage than you might initially think! 🙂 I journeyed all my programs online myself & was shocked how much I was able to connect with the experience.) The S.P Modality truly changed my life, in the best way possible, in a enjoyable way too.
An honour & pleasure to get to hold space for others through the same Modality I found so completely transformative in my own life & still & will continue to use in my own every day life.
~ All Details of Various Course Trainings, previous Mentors & Schools I’ve studied with can be found with all details on my Website & Instagram if wanting to know more.
Instagram – Somaticsexoligistruth
Website – Attached on Bio of my Instagram Acc.
Email – Somaticsexoligistruth@gmail.com
All Sessions will be on Zoom. 🍃🗣
You can Reach me through any of the above platforms. However, I recommend booking a complimentary Discovery call on zoom so you can virtually meet me & ask any of your questions & feel if this feels like the right work & space for you to journey deeper with the above!
(P.s, I realise how terrifying it can be to even speak about our own sexuality, bodies & these such Intimate topics. I want to highlight to please feel comfortable in Reaching out, if feeling drawn, & feel reassured that I hold a safe space for each client or person that reaches out to me. I understand the sensitive & vulnerable nature it takes to do so. )
You are amazing 👏🏼
Ruth Rafferty. ❤️
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