I know looking for an affirming and informed provider can be daunting. As a queer, Asian-American woman, I also take great care in choosing everyone from my primary care provider to my dentist. In my practice, I strive to be a caring provider that meets each person where they are tailoring their physical therapy experience to their needs and goals. I like to use a holistic approach to care, not only reviewing each person’s health history, but also understanding the influence of one’s life experiences on pain and injury. My speciality is in orthopedic conditions, from a sprained ankle to jaw pain to post-operative care. I would love to extend my practice to individuals post-gender affirming surgery. My treatment style typically includes manual therapy or hands-on work, personalized exercise prescription, and extensive education with an emphasis on partnering with each client to promote autonomy and self-efficacy. Each session is one-on-one, usually one hour long, and takes place in a private office to ensure each client has the attention they deserve in a safe space. The office is also wheelchair accessible. Come as you are, I look forward to working with you!
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