My name is Dr. Stacia Mills and I have a niche in helping people with mental health concerns and co-occurring chronic medical illness, pregnancy/family planning/fertility treatments/postpartum, and women’s health issues. I also help those with general mental health concerns. I specifically provide medication management services and nutritional/nutraceutical and lifestyle modification recommendations for better mental health.
My one-woman operation is called Freedom Psychiatry, because I believe mental health is freedom! I am welcoming to all. Freedom Psychiatry is Black, Queer Woman owned and operated, which allows me some personal experience with “queerdom” though I will definitely say my journey and experience is unique to me and does not give me the knowledge or authority to say I understand everyone’s journey. I realize the LGBTQIA2S+ experience is unique to each individual and I am here to listen and be open as a provider to each individual’s story. My role is to help you live your best life with quality mental health care.
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