I am a cis gender female physician that has been caring for the LGBTQ community for over 15 years. I first started helping patients with hormonal transition in 2007. I care for patients of all ages from birth to death. I am a member of WPATH and attend LGBTQ CME educational experiences whenever possible. I recently attended the 2019 National Transgender Health Summit in Oakland. My practice has two other providers (Dr. Schmidt and Emma. Richardson PA) who are very LGBTQ competent. We are all very passionate about care and support of Transgender, GNC and LGBQ patients. We work hard to make our office a safe and inviting place for all patients regardless of ones gender identity. All of us are vocal advocates in our community and in the nation for LGBTQ rights.
Our office location also contains an urgent care that is separate from the continuity clinic that the three of us work at.
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