I am a licensed marriage and family therapist who is a bisexual cis woman. As a therapist I specialize in working with LGBTQ+ individuals and their families. I am a member of WPATH and have spoke at USPATH 2021.
I am passionate about the LGBTQ+ community, specifically the trans community, and I have dedicated my career to supporting the individual in their exploration and identification of their authentic self; as well as, supporting their families who may be struggling to navigate this journey with their loved one. I am a board member of Trans-E-Motion that is a non-profit that offers support to the trans, non binary, and gender expansive community. One of the programs we offer is free WPATH assessments and letters of support for free to the members of the central valley. Providing free assessments and letters of support is very important to me and wanted to be able to offer that to anyone in the state of California. To be able to reach anyone in the state I signed the pledge with The Galap.
I attend Gender Spectrum yearly professional symposium to continue my education and stay up today on the medical and clinical interventions offered to trans individuals.
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