In addition to being an affirming therapist and advocate, Ashley Rhodes-Courter, LCSW, BCTMH, CBHCM is a New York Times Bestselling Author and the proud parent of a trans child who was adopted from the foster care system. The story of her child’s social transition in elementary school is depicted in the picture book, “Sam Is My Sister.” Ashley serves on the Parents for Transgender Equality Council with the Human Rights Campaign and is an outspoken advocate for education, human rights, and reform. As a child, Ashley grew up in the foster care system. Her adverse childhood experiences are what inspired her to become a Speaker, Author, and Social Worker. Her agency, Sustainable Family Services, works to bring access to creative interventions that help other children and families who have experienced trauma. Other books include: “Three Little Words” and “Three More Words.” More info about Ashley and her advocacy can be found at:
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