I’ll put all my professional kudos below. But the bottom line is, I am a warm and caring member of the queer community, and believe in taking a client-centered approach to therapy. I work to see you as the unique individual that you are, and help you to see the things that are getting in the way of you leading your best life, and then work through those issues. More information about me is on my website, and I encourage you to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if you think I can be of help to you.
I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in California, and maintain equivalent licensure for independent practice in Colorado, Florida (telehealth only), Kansas, Indiana, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Washington, and Wisconsin. I am a National Board-Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Board-Certified TeleMental Health Provider, and Gender Specialist as defined by Gaylesta, the Psychotherapist Association for Gender and Sexual Diversity. , working full-time as an individual and group psychotherapist at the UCSF Alliance Health Project, a community mental health agency where he is a member of the gender team providing interdisciplinary services to the trans and gender-expansive community. Bart maintains a private practice in San Francisco, and is a licensed in California, Colorado, Indiana, Kansas, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. He serves on the Board of Directors of Gaylesta, the Psychotherapist Association for Gender and Sexual Diversity. Beyond my private practice, I maintain full-time employment on the clinical staff at the University of California, San Francisco Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, where I am a psychotherapist at the UCSF Alliance Health Project (“AHP”), a community mental health clinic specializing in services to the LGBTQ+ and HIV-affected communities. I also work as part of AHP’s Gender Team, a multi-disciplinary team providing mental health assessments for patients requesting gender-affirming procedures. I am a current member of WPATH, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, and USPATH.
I have decades of experience of service in the community, from being a student LGBT rights leader in the early 1980’s, co-chair of the ACLU Lesbian & Gay Rights Chapter in the mid-80’s, and dozens of volunteer and board service projects through today.
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