Dr. Crystal Beal, a queer non-binary femme Board Certified Family Medicine Physician, provides high-quality, expert, and affirming queer and gender focused healthcare through QueerDoc. Dr. Beal started QueerDoc as an online doctor’s office providing culturally competent and individualized gender affirming care and queer medicine, like hormone therapy, PrEP, and STI screening. QueerDoc’s mission is to raise the bar in gender affirming care and increase access to high quality care.
Dr. Beal attended Florida State University College of Medicine in Tallahassee, Florida. While there, they helped found the LGBTQ medical student group. After medical school, they completed their training at Valley Family Medicine Residency Program in Washington state. Continuing to see gaps in care for the LGBTQ+ community, Dr. Beal sought extensive additional training in sexual health, queer health, and gender affirming care including self-study, continuing medical education trainings, and shadowing experts in the community, such as Seattle Children’s Gender Clinic.
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