Known for her dedication to creating natural results tailored to the unique needs of each patient, Dr. Cynthia Buono is a Board Certified Surgeon who embraces her work as a Cosmetic Surgeon as an art form and a privilege. Dr. Buono’s attention to detail and empathic caring nature yields a highly specialized couture approach to beauty. She believes in slowing the aging process and enhancing one’s natural beauty or brawn, which also includes addressing internal health and wellness. Dr. Buono practices an approach that she will not perform any procedure or offer any product that she would not perform on or use herself.
Dr. Buono knows the science and clinical application that supports beautiful skin and a healthy natural look and practices her Art & Science of Cosmetic Surgery at her discrete location of Cosmetic Surgery of Chicago in Lincoln Park.
Dr. Buono embraces her privilege to take care of her patients and offers extended hours and concierge services to her patients.
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