George Froehle PA-C, AAHIVS is the current LGBTQ+ Health Lead for CentraCare. He has created a state-wide TelePrEP program for Minnesotans to access PrEP/STI care remotely. He is also the lead hepatitis C expedited cure provider for CentraCare. Previously, he worked with Peter Shalit MD, PhD in Seattle, WA doing HIV primary care, PrEP, and HIV research. He was a study coordinator at the University of Washington’s HIV Prevention/Vaccine Trials Units, a community organizer at Seattle’s Gay City Health Project, and worked at Mount Sinai’s Institute of Advanced Medicine and Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery in NYC. He is also the past president of the New Zealand Physician Assistant Society and currently sits on the Minnesota Academy of Physician Assistants Board of Directors and the LGBTQ PA Caucus.
- Primary Care
- Gender Medicine (hormones, surgical letters, primary care)
- PrEP for HIV prevention (TelePrEP for anyone in Minnesota)
- STI screening/treatment
- HIV specialty care and primary care
- Hepatitis C cure
- Depression/Anxiety treatment
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