Gretchen McGinty is a classically trained actress and licensed, certified speech-language pathologist. She is a voice therapist who specializes in gender affirming voice and communication training for transgender and nonbinary clients. She is an active member the Charlotte Transgender Healthcare Group, a group that meets monthly to stay on top of continuing education, advocacy and efforts to improve access to care for gender diverse patients. She is a regular volunteer with this organization providing free information and education at events, and has served as secretary on the board for three years. While she was a graduate clinician at UNC-Greensboro, her master’s project involved planning and presenting the first medical conference on transgender voice in North Carolina at the UNCG Transgender Communication and Wellness Conference (May 2010). After graduation, Gretchen continued her work as a voice specialist at the Voice and Swallowing Center at Charlotte Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat associates where she was the first therapist to offer gender affirming voice therapy and developed a program for evaluating and treating patients. She has presented at multiple organizations to educate other healthcare providers on the importance of gender affirming voice therapy (including Charlotte AHEC, Greensboro AHEC, and Corspan). She now provides voice services at her private practice, New Leaf Voice, PLLC in Charlotte. In addition to gender affirming voice, she offers voice therapy, voice and speech training, accent modification and public speaking coaching. She offers online training for residents in NC and SC.
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