My professional expertise and personal mental health journey involve ongoing self-exploration that serves to solidify my desire to create and maintain not only safe but increasingly SAFER spaces for marginalized genders and sexualities. This connection to diversity and inclusion of all marginalized people across the LGBTQ+ spectrum is the driving force behind my desire to also create opportunities for actively empowering my clients during treatment. My earliest levels of involvement in social justice work began as a student staff assistant at Syracuse University’s and the University of California’s LGBT centers respectively. At both of these institutions I dedicated significant time in promoting the safety and support of queer and trans faculty, staff, and students across campus by collaboratively developing programs and initiatives for these individuals. Academically, as an LGBT Studies minor, I studied the histories and experiences of people, movements, and scholarship of those cisheteropatriarchy would seek to erase. These experiences fostered my desire to pursue a career in mental health as I experienced my own challenges and observed the need for healing among those within my community. Throughout my career as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I have participated in various trainings, conferences, and workshops including “Safer People, Safer Spaces”, “Creating Change Conference”, “Working Effectively with Transgender Clients”, and “Becoming an Effective Ally for Trans Rights” all of which provided the necessary education around promoting allyship and advocacy for queer and trans individuals. Often pulling from the lived experience of being a queer, cisgender, Caribbean, able-bodied, black man in my treatment approaches, this allows me to provide targeted treatment addressing specific disparities and barriers experienced by members of marginalized and/or historically underrepresented communities particularly when addressing issues of access and continuity of care. In my private practice, Steps Toward Healing, I strive to provide gender affirming and queer inclusive psychotherapy to all of my clients. My goal is to continue doing this work.
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