I identify as a queer, nonbinary, polyamorous Corean therapist. I have worked extensively with QTIBIPOC children, teens, adults and their families in individual, relationship and family therapy. I have also collaborated with multiple community agencies to develop LGBTQIA2S+ specific programs as well as to provide extensive trainings to support agencies in developing capacity and skills to provide a safe space for LGBTQIA2S+ clients. One of my main goals in entering and staying in this profession is to work toward QTIBIPOC people feeling seen, mirrored, and understood by their mental health therapists, and to dismantle the many barriers that result in the gap between mental health need vs access to services in our communities. In addition to centering QTIBIPOC people in my mental health work, I have also participated in community organizing and advocacy work in relation to LGBTQIA2S+ issues since 2011.
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