Hi! My (she/her) name is Dr. Jillian Meyer, I am an ABPTS Board Certified Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy and a LANA-Certified Lymphedema Therapist, I am also certified in Dry Needling. I own a private practice, North Carolina Physical Therapy, located in Raleigh, NC; we also provide in-home PT appointments (in and around the Triangle) for individuals that cannot physically transport themselves to the clinic.
We specialize in Oncology Rehabilitation and Lymphedema & Lipedema Therapy. We also treat individuals with pelvic floor dysfunction, EDS/POTS/MCAS, gait & balance impairment, chronic pain/fatigue, and those undergoing gender affirming care. All appointments are one-on-one in a private treatment room, that last 60 minutes. We provide Plans of Care that are completely individualized and focused on your functional goals.
My goal as a Doctor of Physical Therapy is to provide you with all of the tools and resources so you can be independent and successful in the management of your symptoms. I help my patients reach their goals in the most efficient way possible; but I never want someone to feel like they are being “kicked to the curb”. We also have several different Maintenance Programs available to check in while you manage chronic conditions.
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