Hello there! I am a licensed clinical social worker and I offer telehealth therapy services in North Carolina and Virginia. I love my job! I work from a neurodiversity and culturally affirming perspective and specialize in the treatment of trauma through EMDR. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an evidence-based treatment modality used to help us identify impactful life experiences that have kept us stuck in unhelpful patterns through persistent negative beliefs about ourselves.
I offer a pragmatic, direct, and structured approach to therapy. I hope to build a foundation of openness, curiosity and positive-regard to allow you to process life’s challenges in a safe environment. My ultimate goal is to help you reconnect with a sense of authenticity, connectedness, empowerment and joy.
I am a part of the LGBTQ+, disabled, and neurodivergent communities and I use any pronouns (they/she/he). In my spare time I enjoy music, art and poetry, exploring nature, weight lifting, and performing in my improv comedy troupe. For therapy services, feel free to reach out through Psychology Today or via my website at katmilbergerlcsw.com.
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