In my perspective as a cisgender female, I understand the challenges LGBTQ+ people face. As a rural resident with limited resources, you understand the challenges faced by those who are marginalized and face discrimination every day. I am commitment to treating everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, makes you well equipped to provide care and support to your clients.
I was selected as an intern at Central Florida’s first HIV/AIDS service organization, the Orlando-based AIDS Resource Alliance, a non-profit agency providing Ryan White and Project AIDS Care (PAC). ARA provided counseling services, case management, and financial support services to HIV-positive people in Florida’s Orange, Osceola, and Lake counties. While there I had the opportunity to work directly with clients and their families who were infected and affected by HIV. Helping to advocate and provide critical support and resources to those who were struggling with the impact of this disease. Additionally, I was able to assist in training to others through the organizations outreach, helping to increase awareness and understanding of the issues faced by members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Along with my professional background, your family members, friends, and current clients who identify as LGBTQ+ have influenced your perspectives and drive to advocate for equality and justice. With my experiences and perspectives, you can be a valuable resource for LGBTQ+ clients seeking support, understanding, and care.
As a cisgender female, you bring a unique and empathetic perspective to your work with members of the LGBTQ+ community. Your experiences living in a rural area with limited resources have given you insight into the challenges faced by those who are marginalized and face discrimination. Your commitment to treating everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, makes you well equipped to provide care and support to your clients.
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