I am a straight cis White male LGBTQ+-affirming therapist. I offer individual and group therapy services to people of all affectional orientations, but I have a special passion for helping members of the LGBTQ+ community overcome feelings of shame and exclusion. As a former United Methodist minister (defrocked), I worked to advocate for the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ people within the United Methodist Church. However, after years of witnessing the church push people away based upon whom and how they love, I left the church to become a licensed therapist. While I now identify as agnostic, I am supportive of all religious/spiritual backgrounds. And as a therapist based in the Bible belt, I especially enjoy helping LGBTQ+ people offload shame and trauma stemming from harmful religious experiences. I am areligious, but I am not unbiased: I believe your best self is your most authentic self.
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