I value weight-inclusive care and a commitment to Health at Every Size® principles. My practice serves the eating disorder population and I work closely with ARFID and binge eating disorder. I specialize in digestive health (IBS, bloating, celiac disease, histamine intolerance, GERD), diabetes, PCOS, and nutrition to support mental health.
I am an LGBTQ+-affirming practice and am fortunate to work with individuals across a range of gender experiences. Identity-affirming nutrition counseling, be it gender, race, religion, or neurotype, is a value and learning in my practice.
I recognize I hold multiple body privileges – I’m white, straight-sized, cis-gender, married, and heterosexual. I have the financial privilege of not experiencing food insecurity.
Because of these privileges, I won’t always understand right away or get it right. I’m open to learning, growth, and change. I believe my clients are experts in their lived experiences and their bodies. I continually commit to continuing education in my field and am a member of EDRD Pro, a Project Heal, Healer’s Circle clinician, and a volunteer with the American Migraine Foundation.
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