Michael Cruz, PT, DPT (they/them/he/him) is a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy from Dallas, TX and now living in Seattle, WA. Michael has been a practicing licensed physical therapist since 2017 and has done travel physical therapy as well. Michael holds active physical therapy licenses in Texas, California, and Washington. They identify as genderqueer and have provided physical therapy services to a very diverse patient population. Michael is an out and proud Doctor of Physical Therapy who believes in accessibility to healthcare services for the LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities in which they identify in. Michael has attended LGBTQ+ diversity, equity, and inclusion seminars and lectures at APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) conferences in order to better serve the LGBTQ+ community. Michael is a strong believer in intersectionality and welcomes all patients of various sexual orientations and gender identities/expressions into the physical therapy clinic.
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