In my work with different clients in different settings, I have experience with a wide range of individual and relational concerns. However, I have a specific passion in working with people who may fall on the margins or be seen as “outsiders” in many different ways, especially given that we live in Texas. As a queer person, my focus is to serve my community and so many of my clients are LGBTQIA+ folks. Although I am a cis-woman, it has been my passion to work with trans* and gender diverse individuals, and I have pursued on-going trainings and educational experiences around working with gender identity. I am a full professional member of WPATH and have also been providing evaluations and letters of support for gender affirming medical procedures. I have also worked to be an advocate for our community through professional organizations, such as in my role of as an outreach coordinator for the Queers and Trans Advocacy Network within my professional association, AAMFT. I am also a part-time faculty in a graduate program, training a number of future therapists in being affirming and knowledgeable when it comes to working with queer folks.
In addition, I have pursued and continue to pursue additional trainings and educational opportunities in areas that I find a lot of overlap in when it comes to my clients. Specifically, I have pursued additional, in-depth trainings on working with trauma, including some specific focus on working with various dissociative experiences (including PTSD, BPD, OSDD/DID) , and I have received some advanced brainspotting training. Finally, I am focusing on my growth as a neurodiversity affirming therapist.
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