Hi! I am a gender affirming primary care provider in Warren Michigan. I have been caring for gender diverse patients for the last 1.5 years. I am the mother of a transgender teen and when my child came out, I realized how poorly equipped I and so many others were in caring for this patient population. I provide full scope primary care including both in person and telehealth visits, prescribing hormones, gender affirmation letters, PrEP therapy, etc. I am an active member of WPATH, GLMA, and several local LGBTQ+ advocacy groups. I volunteer as an Ally Parent with Stand with Trans in order to aide other youth and families as they start their journey. Currently, I am working with a group of other gender affirming care providers to develop a gender affirming care curriculum and competencies that can be used by teaching programs. I have developed a number of lectures and presentations on LGBTQ+ healthcare and gender affirming care for my own residency program as well as for several other organizations. My goal is to not only provide excellent patient care to all patients regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, but also to work to educate and inspire other providers to improve their knowledge and abilities in caring for these patients as well.
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