Women’s Health—Semcac Clinic services provided for women’s health include annual
exams, the HPV vaccine, pregnancy tests, services to treat sexually transmitted infections
(STI’s), education, a variety of contraception & STI prevention methods. Contraception
methods offered include: IUD, birth control pill, the shot, the ring, the patch, birth control
implants and emergency contraception. We also offer condoms to help prevent STI’s.
Men’s Health— Semcac Clinic provides sexual health services for men focused on
the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, safe sexual health
practices and pregnancy prevention.
Transgender Health— Semcac Clinic provides transgender patients (age 18—63 years)
with access to hormones in a safe, respectful, healthy manner, with informed consent.
Community Education— Comprehensive sexual and reproductive education for
schools, community groups and organizations are provided. Programs are created with
age appropriate content and meet the National Sexuality Education Standards.
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