As a Nurse Practitioner, I have worked closely with the LGBTQ+ community for the past 2 years in my role. Outside my role at work, I have many friends within the LGBTQ+ community and am involved in some of the local parades and organizations. As a business, we are in touch with and support work done through the Inova Pride Clinic. My role at Alternative Health Associates is administering local anesthetic to our clients as the go through the painful process of having hair removed (electrolysis) around the mouth and chin area. My goal is to help make a difference through a long and sometimes challenging process of hair removal. We keep our costs low for this service to help as many in need as possible. I also specialize in injectables that are often use to transform the face for those who are transitioning or looking to achieve a certain look. The Alternative Health Associates team has been serving the LGBTQ+ community for over 30 years, specializing in electrolysis, laser hair removal, local facial anesthetics for electrolysis and other cosmetic services. Our whole team takes pride in serving the LGBTQ+ community!
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