I’m an Autistic, neurodivergent, mad, and queer/questioning mental health advocate with lived experience. I have received extensive training in various therapeutic modalities, ensuring an eclectic style that combines a plethora of tools meant to empower and expand the lives and communities of my LGBTQIA*+ siblings. I’m not merely interested in treating challenges and healing from trauma, but am passionate about and deeply invested in transforming and transcending our lived experiences to create a more inclusive world. I’ve received training in group facilitation from the East Side Institute in New York and have worked closely with the Institute for the Development of Human Arts (IDHA), a collective made up of allied psychiatric survivors and service providers based in New York, on the development of their core curriculum series. In my role as an intensive in-home clinician in rural Virginia, I have worked with LGBTQIA*+ youth and their families, and am active on my employer’s Diversity and Inclusion Group (DIG). In my graduate studies, my focus area was on politics and social policy, and my thesis focused on the use of spoken word poetry to enact social change.
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