I’m Trish. I am a Generation X, cisgender lesbian, native Floridian.
I do not like talking about my past traumas, but to give the readers an idea, I was placed in a “Pray Away the Gay” program sponsored by church and I have a 24 year old son who I lovingly refer to as my “Don’t ask, Don’t Tell Baby” that was a result of me getting caught in the Army with another woman.
I decided to open my own practice in 2021 to provide a safe place for LGBTQ+, and their families, to be able to come and receive the care they deserve.
My wife and I were tired of explaining to our providers on “why we are sexually active but do not need birth control,” or “why I need a pap smear if I only sleep with women.”
Thrive Family Practice is our way of helping others not be subjected to the incompetent care that our healthcare industry has cranked out.
In my masters’ program at South University my thesis was “Reducing healthcare disparities in sexual minority women: Everyone Gets a Pap”
My doctorate dissertation was geared to help educate providers on our community, “Culturally Competent Care For Providers: Sexual Minority Women & Transgender men.” During this time period I learned how hostile the healthcare industry is towards our community.
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