Doctor of Physical Therapy
Geriatric Training Certified Clinical Specialist
Board Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist
Functional Standards for Optimal Aging Expert
Every patient deserves to work with healthcare providers that listen and develop treatment plans concordant with their lives. As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, Dr. Alisa Curry PT DPT is a Physical Therapist, Board Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist through the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and is the Coordinator of Rehab Clinical Programs at Washington Hospital Healthcare System in Fremont CA. She holds three degrees – a BS in Psychology from the University of California San Diego, a BS in Physical Therapy from Langston University in Langston, Oklahoma and a Doctorate of Physical Therapy from A.T. Still University in Mesa AZ. She holds certifications in Geriatric Training and Functional Standards for Optimal Aging from GREAT Seminars and Books Inc. Through the APTA, she founded the Total Joint Replacement Special Interest Group, overseeing a network of Rehab Clinicians treating patients with total joint replacement. Dr. Curry is published in several articles, is a peer reviewer, subject matter expert and key informant in the areas of consulting on projects with the national organizations for Orthopedic Physicians, Orthopedic Nursing and multiple healthcare organization to improve care of the adult and geriatric patient population. She works directly with patients, family and caregivers on a variety of medical comorbidities at all stages of care. Telehealth visits can help give guidance and direction to improving or modifying recovery or care. Proactive interventions, caregiving, patient collaboration and problem solving are a key component of Dr. Curry’s patient health care philosophy to help all people age well.
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