Dr Bertie Bregman (he/him) is a Family Medicine doctor practicing for over 20 years in NYC. As the head physician of Westside Family Medicine, he provides general primary care services and LGBTQ+ healthcare including initiating and maintaining gender-affirming hormone therapy, PrEP and PEP, sexual health, affirming PAP tests, HIV screening and management, preventive care, and more. He has also spearheaded the growth of Westside Family Medicine into a practice where both patients AND other healthcare providers knowledgeable in the care of the LGBTQ+ community can find a medical home. Bertie completed medical school at the University of Pennsylvania in 1996 and completed their residency in Family and Community Medicine at Beth Israel Medical Center in 1999. His training in residency included immersive experiences in caring for LGBTQ+ people in the height of the AIDS epidemic in the lower eastside of Manhattan, and affirmed his belief in the importance of creating spaces where the LGBTQ+ community could receive the best primary care possible for ALL their healthcare needs.
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