Dr. Dane Whicker (He, Him, His) is trained and credentialed as a nationally registered Clinical Health Psychologist. He is listed as one of very few of WPATH’s (World Professional Association for Transgender Healthcare) North Carolina Clinical Psychologists who work with transgender youth and adults in the State. Dr. Whicker enjoys working with a multidisciplinary team of Duke family medicine providers, endocrinologists, psychiatrists, OB/GYN’s, plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and urologists to provide cutting-edge collaborative care. He works to improve long-term patient outcomes by working with patients and their medical providers throughout their transition processes to establish and clarify realistic transition goals, reduce and manage any mental health concerns, and anticipate and troubleshoot challenges patients may face during or after the transition process. Additionally, Dr. Whicker conducts formal behavioral health assessments as well as physician or patient-requested pre-hormone and pre-surgical evaluations to assess mental health and provides letters of recommendation for pursuing transition procedures.
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