As I continue to expand my services based on the needs of individuals, I encounter those who seek a welcoming environment to be seen and heard without judgment. With empathy and curiosity about one’s life journey, I strive to create such a space. As a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, I work with LGBTQ+ individuals. I understand
the role that substance use plays in people who identify as LGBTQ+.
I seek ways to continue my education on this population’s needs. I completed the Outcare Training program to edify myself.
I list a myriad of resources on my website. I consult with my colleagues.
I am continue to pursue further education in clinical counseling psychology to further expand my practice into mental health licensure. I understand that members of the LGBTQ+ community have encountered injustice such as micro aggressions, including stigma, verbal, and physical abuse. I see how certain providers put pressure on someone from that community, often using them as a learning experience. I don’t want to do any of that.
I want to be fully present as life unfolds, recognizing how powerful life is and has always been. My goal is to be a conduit for individuals to shine authentically in their self-expression. Having completed healthcare education, I will continue to develop myself to become a better provider for this very special population.
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