I am a Jewish, bisexual therapist with over 24 years experience providing therapy and support to the LGBTQ community. I worked at Fenway Health in Boston for 14 years (from 1998-2012), an LGBTQ health center in Boston MA. While there, I was trained extensively in queer competency. I managed the Violence Recovery Program and also worked as a psychotherapist during my time at Fenway. As part of my work in the Violence Recovery Program, I worked extensively with LGBT survivors of hate crimes and domestic violence, and I provided LGBTQ-competency trainings for providers at other organizations.
I also worked at Kaiser Permanente in Washington DC for 9 years (2012-2021) as a psychotherapist and I was a member of the transgender clinical team there, providing therapy and support, as well as documentation as needed for clients who were navigating transhealth services there.
Currently I am in private practice as a psychotherapist, providing therapy and support to clients of any sexual orientation and gender identity. I have many years’ experience writing letters for gender-related surgeries, and I also provide documentation-only sessions for clients who are not looking for therapy but only need documentation for surgery.
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