My name is Farah and my mission as a therapist is to help others feel empowered and feel control over their lives. I enjoy watching people in their process, revealing their own personal strengths and potential. Many people attend therapy without knowing that they are capable of healing themselves. I find it incredible when individuals realize how strong they truly are. As an ally, I am here to support, validate, and have created a space where you can feel comfortable knowing that you will not be judged, and will always be seen and heard. I strive to continue educating myself on a daily basis to be the best therapist I can for you!
My clinical experience has been in the treatment of anxiety, trauma, depression, ADHD and behavior management, family and school problems, issues related to grief/loss, and issues related to self-esteem and self-image. I primarily work with adolescents and young adults.
I am certified in sand play therapy and I incorporate elements of play therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in my practice. I am trained in Radiant Child Yoga. I promote wellness through use of mindfulness and relaxation techniques, as well as, yoga. Additionally, I am trained in using Emotion Freedom Technique, or tapping, which can be very helpful for reducing symptoms of anxiety and trauma.
Intersectional Authenticity with LGBTQ+ Clients (Simple Practice Learning, 2023)
Gender Diversity in Mental Health and Substance Use (Optum Health Education, 2022)
LGBTQ+ and Mental Health (Optum Health Education, 2022)
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